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In difficult times Christians have hope and peace that passes all understanding. This peace comes from knowing the Lord, remembering his promises, and dwelling on his goodness. From time to time I will write my own psalms as prayers or reflective praises to God. Here is one that reflects on the hope of salvation we have in Christ Jesus. Similar to Psalm 103, it is a meditation on God’s blessings for his servants. I pray it gives you reassurance of faith while the world hunkers down under the threat of COVID-19.
The Lord will not abandon you
The Lord will not abandon you
He will deliver you from all your troubles
He will destroy all your enemies
The God of all comfort will not leave you in your sorrow
Broken hearts will be pieced together again
All your tears will be wiped away
He will free you from your poverty
The slave driver will be driven away
Everlasting abundance is your inheritance
He will heal your loneliness in his own arms
and settle you with loved ones
The Lord will not abandon you to your weakness
frail bodies will be made strong
broken minds will stand up from their chains
the blind will see and the crippled dance
missing pieces will be found together
The Lord himself will overcome all your needs
Cravings will not bully you and passions not prod you
Golden arches will no longer command you
Prince charming will have no charm left
Cinderella cannot capture your gaze
When your eyes see him they will never search again
The Lord will not leave you in fear
Your terror will be torn to pieces
The dark of night will be bright as day
The Almighty will not forget your assailants,
or the vile deeds against you
His justice will drag them away in disgrace
They will eat the filth they poured on you
and the eyes of all victims will see it
Our God will not abandon you to the grave
No coffin will be able to contain you
None of your ashes will be left behind
The dust that formed you will form you again
The waters will produce you on command
The depths dare not hide you
The Lord will not abandon you to your sins
Your soiled clothes will be washed
Those bonds of shame will turn to ash
You will hold your head high to meet your maker
He himself has removed your disgrace
and pardoned your gravest offenses
The Almighty Father has not forgotten;
the saving Son will deliver;
though he lingers, he never fails
Those who know the Lord rejoice in him
Sing his praise, you poor and weak
You who sorrow declare his goodness
You oppressed declare his justice
In the time of evil shout his triumph
His future is your present
He is the Lord who never fails
About the Author
Rev. Aaron Vriesman has been the pastor of North Blendon Christian Reformed Church in Hudsonville, Mich. since 2006. Follow him at and .