When you think about school, you probably think about how differently school ended last year. We went to sleep one night expecting to pack our lunches and go back to class the next day, but instead we were told that school would be done at home for the rest of the year.
We all had to change our thinking, plan differently, and look to the adults in our home for our learning. We talked to our teachers through screens and waved to our friends from a distance. We didn’t get to sit in our usual spot in the classroom. We didn’t get to ride the bus to school with our friends. We didn’t get our morning hugs or high fives from our teachers, and we didn’t get to sit by our friends at lunchtime. We called this type of learning “distance learning,” and it was much different from what most of us were used to.
During this time, we might have struggled a bit. As a parent, it was hard to know if I was doing all the right things for my daughter’s learning. I wasn’t sure if I had taught her the information the same way her teacher would. And I could tell she was missing her usual routine, her friends, and being in the school environment. Maybe you felt the same way.
Maybe during this time you were sad or frustrated. Maybe you prayed and asked God, “Why is this happening?” or “Why can’t I go back to school with all of my friends?” This time was very scary. There were so many unknowns. But one thing we did know was that God was still with us through all of it. God loves us, and God knew everything that was going to happen each day. God wasn’t surprised by the changes, and God knew each detail of what was going to come.
As we start this school year, we know that things will be different. We may sit a little further apart than we used to. We might have less group work than we used to. Maybe there will be fewer kids on the playground during recess. No matter what the changes are, we know God has a plan for our school year. God has purposefully placed each of us exactly where we are. God is sovereign. God isn’t going to leave us. God isn’t going to harm us. God loves us!
So when you go back to school, try not to be scared or nervous about the changes. Get excited, and remember that God already has a special plan for you!
For a list of some great back-to-school books for elementary students, check out this link:
About the Author
Liz Brown is the assistant principal at Living Stones Academy in Grand Rapids, Mich. She has bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Grand Valley State University in elementary education/instruction and curriculum. She is a native of Grand Rapids, where she lives with her husband and two daughters.