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As I Was Saying is a forum for a variety of perspectives to foster faith-related conversations among our readers with the goal of mutual learning, even in disagreement. Apart from articles written by editorial staff, these perspectives do not necessarily reflect the views of The Banner.

As a little kid, my dad took my brother, David, and me (ages 3 and 4) to buy our mom a Christmas present. We went to a lovely jewelry store and, after a while, Dad picked out a locket that sparkled to our great delight. We were told on the way home that this gift was our secret surprise to mom for Christmas. We all agreed to keep the secret.

Upon arriving home, like a puppy released from its leash, I gleefully ran into the house and up to my mom to assure her that we did not buy her a locket at the jewelry store!

Although I believed I had kept the secret (and I suppose technically I had), the jig was up. The secret was revealed. Our ā€œconspiracyā€ thwarted in less than 45 minutes.

Iā€™ve returned to this lovely memory as post-election narratives of voter fraud have grown in the U.S. during the past months. Iā€™ve been a Republican for decades, and Iā€™ve watched as some I know have fallen victim to these beliefs.

Lies and Truth

Conspiratorial claims of fraudā€”from dead voters to commie-built computersā€”have all been revealed as fact-free fake news. I hate to mention them because their repetition is enough for many to think them true. They are not, and Christians of all people should be committed to the truth.

The truth is this: of the 60 lawsuits filed in various courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, President Donald Trumpā€™s side won just a single, minor, short-lived victory.

The courts patiently heard case after case, but no Trump-defender offered a single shred of credible evidence of widespread voter fraud. Lots of wild claims, fist-pounding, and shouting; no evidence. Every court ruled, ā€œNot True!ā€ to claims of widespread voter fraud.

Sobering news to even the most conspiracy-minded: most of the judges in most of these courts, including The Supreme Court, were Republican-appointed. Not fertile ground for ā€œThe Deep State.ā€ None of these mostly Republican courts supported Trump because none of these judges was presented with any evidence of widespread voter fraud.

Despite repeated promises of The Great Reveal, no evidence of widespread fraud was ever revealed. I, as a Republican, was waiting for the reveal. I was waiting for facts to be presented, but despite a lot of confident bravado and self-assured talk, none came.

The truth is this: Joseph Biden won a free and fair election.

Even U.S. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, acknowledged Bidenā€™s victory. Faced with threats of lawsuits for libel (deliberately spewing untruth), right-wing media outlets Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News have stated clearly that they have no evidence of election improprieties. And Congress has confirmed the electoral results.

The jig is up. The secret revealed. Every allegation of conspiracy and fraud thwarted in less than 45 days.

In spite of President Trumpā€™s repeated assaults on democracy and truthā€”including calling and telling Georgiaā€™s top election official (a Republican) to ā€˜findā€™ enough votes to overturn the election resultā€™ā€”the final vote count stands: 51.3% for the winner and 46.9% for the loser.

A Christian Response

So, what more can we say as Christians? The truth, as found in Scripture, calls us to the following:

  • Obey the government (Rom. 13).
  • Give thanks and pray for the ruler (1 Tim. 2).
  • Submit to the ruler (Titus 3).
  • Honor the ruler (1 Pet. 2).

The U.S. governmentā€”through its lower courts, Supreme Court, state governors, the electoral college, and Congressā€”have combined to affirm the truth that Biden is the fairly elected president of the United States. We in the U.S., Canada, and the world must accept that truth, and now that Biden has taken office, it will be the duty of U.S. citizens to obey, give thanks, submit, and honor.

The verses that command Christians to submit to and respect their governments also command Christians to speak the truth. Speaking truth, a hallmark of good character, is a God-given way of showing respect to others and submission to God (who is Truth).

Resisting the truth that Biden won a free and fair election weakens U.S.democracy and emboldens extremist assaults on America. Moreover, it runs contrary to Godā€™s command that we seek and speak the truth. Sadly, as seen on Jan. 6, lies indeed incited violence, suffering, and death.

Of these false thingsā€”ā€œconspiraciesā€ you might call themā€”the jig is up. The secret revealed. Each conspiracy has been thwarted.

So let all Americans say (even if not gladly), ā€œI will respect and pray for the new president of the United States, Joseph R. Biden Jr.ā€

Given the massive challenges that the new administration facesā€”the coronavirus, widespread unemployment, a sick economy, massive debt, and, frankly, a widespread denigration of the truthā€”let us begin praying now for wisdom and justice and compassion on the part of the newest U.S. president.

In the meantime, letā€™s resist all of the falsehoods that prevent goodwill toward that president. The alleged voter conspiracy is false. Democrats donā€™t hate America. These are lies that divide the country, generate strife, and incite violence.

As we recommit to the truth, letā€™s say ā€œnoā€ to conspiracy theories, and let U.S. citizens follow the Apostle Paulā€™s advice: seek peace, and obey the newly forming government.

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