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As I Was Saying is a forum for a variety of perspectives to foster faith-related conversations among our readers with the goal of mutual learning, even in disagreement. Apart from articles written by editorial staff, these perspectives do not necessarily reflect the views of The Banner.

It was the night before the U.S. election, and I couldnā€™t sleep. My mind turned over the possible outcomes and scenarios to the point of exhaustion. Would my candidate win? What if they didnā€™t? Would the world as we know it fall apart? I prayed. I asked God to let my side come out on top. Having ā€œmy personā€ as president would give meā€”us, our countryā€”the confidence to move forward.

I calmed my spirit and listened for Godā€™s voice. Iā€™ll admit, I rarely hear his actual voice. But once in a while, words come to my mind that I was not searching for. Itā€™s as close to hearing Godā€™s voice as Iā€™ve gotten.

As I prayed near the midnight hour, this is what I heard:

Put no confidence in princes.

The words popped into my head along with the tune from the old hymn, ā€œPraise the Lord, sing Hallelujah!ā€ They gave me pause. Was Iā€”were we, the countryā€”putting too much confidence in the ā€œprinceā€ or ā€œprincessā€ of our party in the current U.S. election? After all, it felt like my person was the only hope for our broken nation. I asked that God would help me hold things more loosely, drifted off to sleep, and didnā€™t give ā€œthe voiceā€ another thought.

A day and a half later, I woke bleary-eyed. With results trickling in during the night, I knew what I was waking up to. Once again, we were a divided nation. One half of the population was celebrating a victory. The other half grieving and gloomy. How would this result bring us closer together and mend the gap? How could this bring any peace? My mindā€”fuzzy from two nights of interrupted sleepā€”was also numb after months of campaign ads, newscasts, articles, and podcasts. I was relieved it was over. But still wondering what this result meant for me, our family, our faith, and our country.

As I got ready to shower, out of nowhere, the wordsā€”the voiceā€”again, popped into my head:

Put no confidence in princes.

A Persistent God

It turns out God can be pretty persistent. The words had come to me without praying. I was only half awake and not seeking Godā€™s wisdom. But there they were, for the second time. I grabbed my phone and Googled the line. Based on Psalm 146, the hymn (in the Gray Psalter Hymnal) goes like this:

Praise the LORD! Sing hallelujah!

Come, our great Redeemer praise.

I will sing the glorious praises

of my God through all my days.

Put no confidence in princes,

nor on human help depend.

They shall die, to dust returning;

all their thoughts and plans shall end.


Happy is the one who chooses

Jacob's God to be his aid.

They are blest whose hope of blessing

on the LORD their God is stayed.

Heaven and earth the LORD created,

seas and all that they contain.

He delivers from oppression;

righteousness he will maintain.


Food he daily gives the hungry,

sets the mourning prisoner free,

raises those bowed down with anguish,

makes the sightless eyes to see.

God our Savior loves the righteous,

and the stranger he befriends,

helps the orphan and the widow,

judgment on the wicked sends.


Praise the LORD! Sing hallelujah!

Come, our great Redeemer praise.

I will sing the glorious praises

of my God through all my days.

Over all God reigns forever;

through all ages he is King.

Unto him, your God, O Zion,

joyful hallelujahs sing.

The words convicted me. I, and others siding with my party, had been putting all our confidence in our candidate. And the other party? It was the same for them and their candidate. Depending on whose ā€œsideā€ you were on, the days after the U.S. election likely found you either jubilant and gloating or anxious and pessimistic about the next four years.

But as Christians, we should feel neither. Instead, we should remember God does not belong to or espouse one political party. As the words of that old hymn based on Psalm 146 remind us, ā€œOver all God reigns forever; through all ages he is King.ā€

We should know better than to count on faulty, fallen human beings to ā€œfixā€ everything. Yet we side with and depend on human strength, policies, intellect, and charisma. Psalm 146 reminds us it is God who feeds the hungry, frees the prisoner, raises those suffering from anguish, gives sight to the blind, and helps the orphan and widow. As for humans, even the biggest and brightest leaders among us will eventually die and return to dust. Leaders have come and gone for millennia, but God remains.

Our God is a persistent God.

Where does that leave us?

Does that mean we can be indifferent toward politics? I donā€™t believe so. Itā€™s unsettling to hear Christians use the phrase, ā€œGod is in control,ā€ as a simple platitudeā€”one that excuses them from seeking the truth, becoming educated in political affairs, or actively seeking social justice.

God calls us to be a light in this worldā€”to build his kingdom on earth. He commands us to care for his creation, to feed the hungry, welcome the stranger, clothe the needy, care for the sick, and visit prisoners. Whether weā€™re volunteering in a hands-on capacity or actively seeking bipartisan solutions, our focus should be one of love and compassion.

In these times of strained relationships and a divided nation, our greatest prayer should not be for our side to be rightā€”to be on the winning side.

If we are on Godā€™s side, we are already on the winning side. Our assurance is in Christ, whose death on the cross was a most unconventional form of victory. He emptied and humbled himselfā€”a model for us to followā€”and in doing so, his name was exalted above every name (Phil 2: 7-11).

Christ calls us to be his instruments of peace. Another old hymnā€”Make Me A Channel of Your Peaceā€”comes to mind. The words are a prayer, asking Godā€™s help in channeling peace to counteract hate, injury, doubt, despair, darkness, and sadnessā€”by instead bringing love, healing power, faith, hope, light, joy and understanding.

In our hearts, families, country, and the world, our greatest need is for the love of Christ to prevail.

Put no confidence in princes, nor on human help depend.

There is only one Prince we can truly put our confidence in. During Advent, we cry out for his saving grace in a broken world. We remember his birth and await his return.

Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, come quickly. On your help alone, we depend.

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