Sharing Spiritual Wisdom: Leave a Legacy for the Ones You Love
“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from yo
“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from yo
Written for a general audience as well as for Christians,
When Michael and Derek visit the Harpers Ferry Civil War Museum, they’re convinced that “it must have been cool to fight i
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is what every cont
Do you have a young explorer in your midst, someone who dreams of faraway places?
What happens when an Austen favorite meets a modern master storyteller? A classic whodunit is born. Mystery replaces romance in P.D.
In 1946, Viola Desmond was jailed in Nova Scotia, Canada, when she sat in the front of a theater instead of in the segregated “c
How shall we then eat?
In England during the 1950s, teens Janie and Benjamin must use ancient natural recipes in order to concoct brews that will help them s
Ten-year-old Enaiatollah Akbari and his mother fled from Afghanistan to Pakistan because of threats to sell the boy into slavery.
Billy Jago and his 12-year-old son, Charles, discover a flint stone carved by a magic man in ages past.
Looking for a meaningful gift this year?
A grandmother in New England and her grandson in Africa are separated by distance, climates, and cultures.
Enter into the fictional Dutch immigrant community of Poplar Grove.
Thirteen-year-old Isla and her father share a passion for swans that winter on a lake nearby.
Victoria, an abused and hate-filled foster child who has lived in 32 homes by the time she is 10 years old, is given one more chance.
A little doubt is good for spiritual formation in the same way a little inflation is good for the economy.
The Christmas Tree Ship and its captain, Herman Schuenemann, faithfully brought Christmas trees from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian Christian, gives detailed histories of Palestinians, including Christians, and their perspective on their stru
A spiral is an elegant form, whether it turns up in a staircase, a seashell, or in your own DNA.
Terry Linhart and David Livermore are experts on the fast-changing world of youth culture from a Christian perspective.
As the Oronsay sets sail for 21 days from Ceylon to England, three pre-teen boys find themselves assigned to the Cat’s