Itâs a fine challenge to be a bi-national denomination. We get stretched in healthy ways trying to understand, respect, and support each other in our different ministry contexts. Some fallout from the recent Olympics shows that we need to be sensitive to those differing contexts in what we say as well as in what we do.
Take politics. In the United States the government boldly proposes plans for universal health care, paying down staggering debt, and ending the war. These challenges weigh heavily on the minds of our U.S. sisters and brothers.
So what can the Canadian government muster? Its only notable proposal in the recent throne speech was a slight editing of the Canadian national anthem. The frequent use of âO Canadaâ during the Olympic Games brought denizens of the frozen North to sudden awareness that we have a national anthem and that it contains politically incorrect language.
Unlike the U.S. national anthem thatâs still good to go, âO Canadaâ offends in three instances:
âO Canada! Our home and native land!â makes liars of immigrants when they sing it.
(And many of us are immigrants.)
âTrue patriot love in all thy sons commandâ leaves out more than 50 percent of the population, the âdaughters.â
âGod, keep our land glorious and free!â discriminates against atheists and agnostics.
Popular response to this benign government proposal was as fierce as any Midwest Republicanâs to Obamaâs health-care package. Messing with âO Canadaâ met with a thundering NO. The Harper government backpedaled faster than you can say âCanadaâ backward.
It appears that Canucks are as patriotic as their neighbo(u)rs to the south. But political correctness doesnât seem as high on the agenda and offense isnât taken as quickly. For example, my spouse isnât particularly distressed by âsons.â Iâm a first generation immigrant but gladly sing âour . . . native landâ And your average Canadian agnostic doesnât much mind placing a call to Someone who may not be in.
Why? Because Canadians tend to believe, perhaps naively, that their society at least tries to do a good job of not discriminating. And actions are seen to speak louder than words.
Isnât Canada guilty of injustice? Of course it is. But Canadians for whatever reason donât care to measure every wordâcertainly not in historical works like âO Canada.â
So should we as Christ-followers both north and south of the 49th parallel be politically correct in how we speak?
I believe we should be politically sensitive, monitoring and measuring carefully the context in which we speak. What is pleasing speech in one instance can be horribly hurtful in another. Letâs follow Paulâs admonition in Romans 14-15, neither to judge nor to offend each other or anybody else. Our speech must reflect our true citizenship in Godâs kingdom. Good diplomats train and discipline themselves to say the right thing in the right way in the right place.
As representatives of King Jesus in Canada, the U.S., and worldwide, we need to do that too. What we say and how we say it really matters (James 3).
Weâre hardly called to pharisaical, picky political rectitude. But we are called to always speak the truth in love (Eph. 3:15-16) and act on it.
In our bi-national context, letâs watch our language, eh?
About the Author
Bob De Moor is a retired Christian Reformed pastor living in Edmonton, Alta.