The burden of guilt and shame caused Sokolov to carry his story of being the “tattooist of Auschwitz” in secrecy for 50 years.
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
In this accessible, inspiring book, author John Ortberg contrasts two ways of thinking about Jesus’ gospel.
Monsters and Men is a small indie film that tries to dig deep into big topics.
Millennials may find this album resonates with the common challenges of their generation, particularly around authenticity and love.
Khang boldly unfolds how having no space to speak is not only a justice issue but a limitation on what it is to experience the fullness of imago Dei—being an image-bearer of God.
This captivating juvenile novel shows that ordinary people who aren’t making the headlines, many young girls among them, are nevertheless changing the world for the better.
An interview with VeggieTales co-creator Phil Vischer.
In this fast-paced, adventurous, and thought-provoking juvenile novel, author Lauren Wolk has created memorable, complex characters.
We asked our reviewers to offer their five favorite titles of 2018 in a number of categories.
We asked our reviewers to offer their five favorite titles of 2018 in a number of categories.
Foles shares his faith without forcing it on people. His personality, especially his humility, comes through in the narrative.
We asked our reviewers to offer their five favorite titles of 2018 in a number of categories.
We asked our reviewers to offer their five favorite titles of 2018 in a number of categories.
We asked our reviewers to offer their five favorite titles of 2018 in a number of categories.
Trench is effective pop music that speaks life into lonely spaces—both external and internal—that may not otherwise receive such care. It is also an album that props itself on weighty images and aesthetics without shouldering any of the burden that bore those images.
In this surprise-filled novel for adults, author Esi Edugyan offers profound insights into the hearts of people both enslaved and free and portrays the vast reaches of the earth, contrasting immense beauty with stark harshness.
Nicholas Wolterstorff’s new book, In This World of Wonders: Memoirs of a Life in Learning, is due in bookstores Jan. 16. (Eerdmans)
Invest in beauty—the beauty of a home that has Christ in the open kitchen plan or the tiny galley kitchen.
Merritt explores how we can use sacred words in fresh, Spirit-led ways to communicate the power and beauty of the gospel in today's world.
When so many of our young people feel like the problems facing our world are insurmountable, it’s a breath of fresh air to see this kind of empowerment and encouragement.
Tell us, what are you reading? Christine Fabiszewski sent us this review of a novel about the Netherlands during World War II.
This intriguing, culturally sensitive novel explores, among other things, the ramifications of immigration.
54-year-old TobyMac keeps pumping out memorable music.
Hendrix uses striking illustrations and bold graphic design to tell this powerful story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man of faith.