Do good manners really matter? Or did adults just make up lots of rules so they would have lots of things to nag kids about?
This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.
Imagine that your neighbors have a wonderful garden. They grow all sorts of food, beautiful flowers, bushes, and trees.
Depending on the year, Easter could be in March or April.
(True or False?)
Have a Heart
Make a fist with your right hand and look at it. Your heart‘s about that size.
There are lots of wonderful things to see in our world. But which ones are the most amazing of all?
Away in a Manger
The kitchen sink, the dog’s bowl, and the milk jug are all necessary things but not ones to inspire great
We rarely think about the things listed on these pages. Yet each one makes a BIG difference in our lives.
Do you know any kids who have disabilities?
Sometimes the most ordinary things are the most interesting. This month we’ll take a look at something we see and use every day.
Plants Planting Plants
Imagine you’re a plant. You eat, you drink, you breathe, you grow, and you make seeds.
Terrific, Tremendous Trees
Trees are a big deal in the Bible, and I can prove it. Ask a parent for permission to go online.
Small Wonders
If I know you and you know me
I’d call you by your name
flashing by on my mind’s marquee
a thumbs up for your famWhen God finished making the world, everything worked perfectly. Adam and Eve had plenty of fine food to eat.
Silent Signals and Secret Codes
Did you know that trees talk? They do! So do some flowers and bugs and other animals.
Word Pictures
Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach?
Has it snowed at your home yet? If you live in the northern United States or in Canada, it probably has.
Mysteries make us curious. We want to know what happened, how, and why. But you say Christmas is not a mystery?
One fine day God told Moses to build a tabernacle—a house for God. God said, “Just build any old thing, Moses.
Consider the Birds
A No. 2 pencil can write approximately 45,000 words. That’s a lot of writing.
Did you ever find money on the sidewalk? Pretty exciting, isn’t it?
Would you like to see something really neat? Then check out a honeybee’s knees.
You don’t feel dizzy. You don’t see a line moving. Yet the earth moves in several ways.