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ā€œSomeday soon, my little man, our Lord Jesus is coming again. I hope you never forget it as long as you live.ā€

So spoke my friendā€™s grandpa as, years ago, the two walked together on the grandpaā€™s farm. Otherwise a man of few words, the elderly gentleman wanted to make sure that his grandson heard his heartā€™s deep conviction and hope from his own lips before he died.

One of my own wise teachers expressed the same truth in different words: ā€œWe Christians ought not to fit too well in this world. Our identity is different; our human destiny is beyond this life.ā€

According to John Calvin, training our eyes on heaven day by day is crucial to keeping our bearings and direction. Thus he made ā€œmeditation upon the future lifeā€ (Institutes III.ix) one of the three central features of the Christian life. Together with self-denial and cross-bearing, such meditation gives us energy for the task of trying to imitate Christ and live as he intends.

Our lives here on earth, like Jesusā€™ life when he was among us, are difficult and crammed with cross-shaped distresses. But amid these distresses, by faith we can see our already-ascended Lord holding before our eyes the treasure that lies beyond our own eventual deathā€”life forever with him. How important, therefore, ā€œto raise our eyes to heavenā€ (III.ix.1).

Calvin insisted that we hold the hope of life hereafter continually before us because he knew all too well that Satan is out to lure believers toward ā€œa brutish love of this world.ā€ Satan wants to beguile us into thinking that this life is all there is.

Sad to say, the evil one succeeds all too often. Too easily we fall head-over-heels in love with this world. Too gladly weā€™re ready to cash in what weā€™ve been promised in return for what we can get now. As a result, the prospect of life forever with our Savior no longer magnetically draws us. How important, therefore, to engage in the spiritual practice of remembering where our home isā€”ā€œlest we cling too tenaciously to [our love of present things]ā€ (III.ix.1).

When we cherish continually in our minds and hearts the sure hope that soon ā€œthe Lord will receive his faithful people into the peace of his Kingdom, will wipe away every tear from their eyes, will clothe them with a robe of glory . . . and rejoicing, will feed them with the unspeakable sweetness of his delights, will elevate them to his sublime fellowship . . . ā€

(III.ix.6)ā€”then we can walk the Christian way discerningly and keep our direction with better intention.

But Christian hope isnā€™t something passive and static, some ā€œdead thing.ā€

It is active. It calls for regular practice, careful vigilance, daily stretching toward the final goal. We are ever to ā€œmarch onward, and aspire to this heritage that is prepared for us, never doubting but that we shall attain it, because our Lord Jesus Christ will then appear, and the life that is now hidden from us will be revealed to usā€ (from Calvinā€™s sermon on Titus 3:4-7).

ā€œAnd so we shall be with the Lord forever,ā€ says 1 Thessalonians 4:18. My Calvinist ancestors assured me that this rock-solid affirmation was always enough to steady them and keep them going along their own lifeā€™s journey, no matter their present circumstances. They encouraged me, too, to try to keep it before my eyes. Their advice has served me well during my 67 years.

Now, as my own death draws closer, I want this to be my final wordā€”my passionate encouragementā€”to young people: ā€œStand on tiptoe, for Jesus is coming soon. I hope you never forget it as long as you live.ā€


  1. Whatā€™s so important about ā€œmeditat[ing] upon the future lifeā€? Can we overdo that?
  2. Can we love this world too much? Can we love it too little?
  3. Exactly what do we anticipate in the life to come: heaven? a restored earth? What do you think our lives will be like?
  4. How can our hope for the restored life be ā€œactive,ā€ as Cooper urges?
  5. Rev. Cooper states that he wants his final word to young people to be ā€œStand on tiptoe, for Jesus is coming soon. I hope you will never forget it as long as you live.ā€ What final word would you want to leave for them or future generations?

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