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“and Jesus sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God. . . .”
—Luke 9:2

Do you have travel plans?

Residents of North America like to travel, and summer is a great season to head for the closest lake or somewhere else in order to get away from it all. Some of us even own trailers and vehicles designed exclusively for travel.

On the next couple of pages you’ll see the names and faces of people who have been on a different kind of journey—a journey toward ordained vocational ministry. They have been approved by Synod 2017 as candidates, and they are eager to move into a position of service. Some will serve as pastors in a local church. Some will work to plant a new church. Some will be sent as missionaries, and some will serve as chaplains. Some will physically move a great distance away from their current location. Others will stay put even as they enter into a new chapter of their discipleship journey. 

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are all on a journey. According to Hebrews 11:13, one mark of faithful discipleship is to admit that we are “foreigners and strangers on earth.” God’s people have always been nomads. Like Abraham, like the children of Israel, and the disciples of Jesus, we join the journeying crowd—keeping a light grip on the things of this world and holding tightly to the Lord who promises to lead us.

Foreigners and strangers in this world need guidance. The role of the pastor is to point the community to the Guide, the Savior, the Protector. We’re so grateful as a church for those who are ready to serve as pastors that we highlight the candidates each year in this synod issue of The Banner. The candidates join us in expressing gratitude to their mentors, seminary professors, and local congregations as they have been supported through this part of their journey. And together we covenant to faithfully follow and serve our Lord as we journey through this life.

For contact information, biographical information, and testimonies from each of the candidates, visit the Candidacy Committee website at .

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