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Our Shared Ministry
Mixed Media
- Faith and Finances
- Synod 2006 Ratifies Recent Appointees
- Synod 2006: 150th Anniversary Painting and Plans Unveiled
- Synod 2006: 34 New Candidates for Ministry
- Synod 2006: Calvin Celebrates 50 Years at Knollcrest
- Synod 2006: Candidates for Ministry Approved as a Group
- Synod 2006: Church Moves to Allow Children at Communion
- Synod 2006: Church to Seek Way to Respond to Abuse Victims
- Synod 2006: Counting Members
- Synod 2006: CRC Ends Condemnation of Roman Catholic Mass
- Synod 2006: CRC to Study Belhar Confession
- Synod 2006: First Toronto Resolution a ‘Picture of Grace’
- Synod 2006: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 80
- Synod 2006: Host Church Determines Synod Worship Service Style
- Synod 2006: New Committee Oversees Process of Entering CRC Ministry
- Synod 2006: One Step Forward, One Step Back for Women
- Synod 2006: Overview: Of Peacemaking and Elephants
- Synod 2006: Peer Learning Impact Goes Webwide
- Synod 2006: RCA Pastors Eligible in CRC
- Synod 2006: Relationship with Dutch Church Stays Restricted
- Synod 2006: Revised Ecumenical Charter Approved
- Synod 2006: Synod Appoints New Executive Director
- Synod 2006: Synod Approves Plan for Healthy Churches
- Synod 2006: Synod Calls Church to Work for Peace, Shalom
- Synod 2006: Synod on the Web
- Synod 2006: THANKS for Your Generosity
- Synod 2006: TNIV Approved for Church Use
- Synod 2006: Welcoming New Congregations