“When you talk about God, you’re talking about something transcendent. So we spend a lot of time exploring mystery and the unknown.”
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
One of our young sons eagerly bounded ahead toward the longstanding neighborhood gathering point—a beloved community garden—and then sputtered to a hard stop.
Many treat conversion as little more than a magic spell, like a “get out of jail free” card played at a crucial moment in a losing game.
We recently moved into a neighborhood where not many seem to know about our Reformed faith. How quickly should we bring this into conversations? Or do we leave it out unless asked?
Our congregation had been asked about their comfort level with different scenarios in categories such as marital status, age, first language, and disability.
I was often puzzled by the sudden turn in the crowd’s mood in Luke 4:16-30.
When someone needs help, is praying for them enough? Or should Christians do more to directly help?
When God said in Genesis, “Let dry ground appear,” God created solid, recyclable material.
A fellow church council member insists that having doubts about our faith is not something “real” believers would experience. It’s made me even more doubtful. What should I do?
When people greet each other by saying, “Hello,” many also add the question, “How are you?” Why?
We continue to fight with our teenagers about being on their phones when we’re together. My husband’s constant glancing at his phone isn’t helping. Is this just a modern problem I need to learn to live with?
If you watch closely, you can see many moments of joy in creation. Sometimes creation brings us joy, and sometimes you can see joy happening for other parts of creation.
Although it has been so influential in the West, Christianity is not a Western religion. The gospel of Jesus was preached in Africa and Asia before Europe and North America.
They demolished the Christian school building next door to our church.
I hope April 8, 2024, is a sunny day here in East Palmyra, N.Y. If it is, I’ll have the opportunity to view a solar eclipse from within the “path of totality.”
I believe inclusion is one of the foremost things Jesus taught during his ministry on earth.
I’ve heard Christians say that COVID vaccines are “against their religion.” What do they mean? Does the Christian Reformed Church have a position?
This summer I experienced a mental health crisis.
Preparing to say goodbye, Papa said, “Let’s sing our song before we leave.” Our song? Tilting my head and squinting his way, I wondered, “What song?”
My time as a campus minister taught me that one of the best tools we have to deal with people’s spiritual doubts is patience.
As Christians, we believe there is a sinful nature inside us that disrupts our relationship with God and other people—and that’s not the way it’s supposed to be.
The two criminals crucified with Jesus (Luke 23:39-43) are a microcosm of humanity under suffering.
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Is it wrong to continue asking God for something over and over again? Is it a sign that the answer is “no” if you haven’t yet received it?