Memories are made on summer road trips! Carson the dog is eager to go on a cross country trip with his dear friend Annie to visit her sister, who has not been well.
The trip begins in Tofino on Vancouver Island. The little yellow car is packed full as it makes its way from one unique landscape and setting to the next along an endless highway. “Canada is such a grand land to cross,†muses Annie. At last they finally arrive.
They are welcomed by Elsie, whose “steps are slow but her smile is wide!†It is a wonderful reunion, and there is a surprise for Carson as well. The visit turns out to be the best medicine possible. The happy simplicity of Kass Reich’s illustrations add to the story’s delight.
offers a timely story for both Canada’s 150th commemoration and the CRC as the Sea to Sea bike tour cycles its way from the west to the east coast of Canada. (Tundra)
About the Author
Jenny deGroot is a freelance media review and news writer for The Banner. She lives on Swallowfield Farm near Fort Langley B.C. with her husband, Dennis. Before retirement she worked as a teacher librarian and assistant principal.