Nikki McClure is a self-taught cut-paper artist. Living on the Olympian Peninsula in Washington, she began marketing her craft by creating annual calendars. Nineteen years later her collection of calendar images reflect place and time in a simplicity of image, color, and text combinations. Single words like “defend,” “earth,” “join,” and, “hope” give each work a defined, yet often mysterious, context.
is McClure’s second collection of gathered calendar images; the previous is titled Collect Raindrops (2007). This one covers monthly images from 2015 to 2021 and includes McClure’s response to COVID-19. For this collection McClure added poetic commentary, giving the artwork a context for the interaction of humans with creatures and creation.
You Are Not Too Late joins McClure’s already large collection of published children’s books, equally beautiful in their simplicity. A perfect gift book, you might find yourself keeping the very copy you had intended to give away. (Abrams Books)
About the Author
Jenny deGroot is a freelance media review and news writer for The Banner. She lives on Swallowfield Farm near Fort Langley B.C. with her husband, Dennis. Before retirement she worked as a teacher librarian and assistant principal.