Based on Ali Novakās 2014 novel of the same name, this teen drama series narrates the journey of Jackie Howard (Nikki Rodriguez), a 15-year-old who grew up in Manhattan, N.Y., and whose parents and older sister died in a car crash. The orphaned teenager moves to rural Colorado to live with her motherās best friend, veterinarian Dr. Katherine Walter (Sarah Rafferty).
Jackie struggles to feel a sense of belonging in her new home. She cannot stay in New York because the city reminds her too much of her losses. However, not having any close family members in Colorado is challenging. Festive holiday preparations for Thanksgiving and Christmas only bring her a deeper sense of mourning.
While processing her grief, Jackie finds herself having to adjust to a huge family with seven teenage boys, including Cole Walter (Noah LaLonde) and Alex Walter (Ashby Gentry). These two brothers have a history of sibling rivalry. As the former quarterback in high school, the good-looking Cole has always enjoyed the attention of girls. Alex is a bookish nerd who shows a lot of kindness to Jackie. Over time, the young girl adapts to the complexities of a new family dynamic and school environment. Gradually, she begins to consider herself part of the Walter family.
This series thoughtfully unpacks important themes of loss, grief, and resilience. Jackie's transition from grief to acceptance shows the power of healing through a community of love. Jackie shares her motherās favorite line, āThere is nothing too broken to be fixed.ā She uses it to encourage herself, and it also brings great courage to others around her.
The Walter boys, each with their unique personalities and challenges, seem to represent the diversity of the human community where each individual is uniquely created and loved by God. The Walter family embodies values of compassion and inclusion.
Overall, this is a heartwarming series that is rare for teen drama. Parents and older children can watch together and discuss teenage choices and personal growth. (Netflix; Rated TV-14, but Christian parents should know this show does not always reflect the CRC's sexual ethic. Proceed with caution.)
About the Author
Mary Li Ma is a member of Plymouth Heights CRC church in Grand Rapids, Mich. She holds a Ph.D. from Cornell University and now works as a research analyst for a national research center on education equity.