Walk in the door of the on Wednesday evening and you’ll find yourself in a homey setting: shoes in the foyer, the smell of soup in the air, and laughter and conversation all around.
Geneva Fellowship is the at in Kingston, Ontario. Situated in an old brick house, Geneva Fellowship has been in existence for almost 40 years, its home-like atmosphere appealing to students.
With the help of members from and in Kingston, soup suppers are held throughout the school year.
Jonathan VanOostveen said the soup supper is a “really cool thing.” He also has been involved in the study groups at Geneva Fellowship and likes that there are a lot of people from different walks of life.
Candace Adema, who grew up in the Philippines, especially likes the soup suppers because “. . . it is easy to invite people, and it is not intimidating.” Up to 50 students attend the weekly free supper.
The students are very positive about their experiences at Geneva Fellowship. Adema said there is a big social impact and that you can feel “. . . part of a community right away.” Amos Cohoe agreed. He did not get involved in the Fellowship until after graduation and is now an employee of Queens, but to him it feels a lot like home. “I keep going because of the people.”
About the Author
Brenda Visser is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classis Eastern Canada.