in Denver, Colo., magnified its Sunday school program to incorporate many activities and generations of the church family.
Called Focus & Magnify, it blends hands-on learning with quieter, more focused lessons for children in grades three through eight.
The Sunday school hour is split into two segments, with the first spent in hands-on learning led by various members of the congregation. Children can choose to get involved in children’s choir, chimes choir, card making, origami, and other selections. Each session lasts five to six weeks.
“I like that [it] covers a variety of generations. We’ve done a lot of things with the elderly, getting kids actively involved in the church, both behind the scenes and in worship. It helps to bring continuity to the church,” said Laurie Sanderson, coleader of the program.
An added benefit: “It’s easier for people to volunteer because the sessions are shorter and they are working on a topic that they are well versed in.”
The second half of the Sunday school hour is spent focusing on more traditional Sunday school curriculum using and materials.
About the Author
Sarah Boonstra is the Banner's regional news correspondent for classes Rocky Mountain and Yellowstone.