Synod 2011 voted to be in formal relationships with Christian Reformed churches in Myanmar and in Haiti.
Delegates approved entering into full ecclesiastical fellowship with the Christian Reformed Church of Myanmar. Churches in ecclesiastical fellowship are those Reformed churches with whom the denomination is most closely connected. These churches often exchange fraternal delegates with the CRC, and their pastors may preach from CRC pulpits (and vice versa).
Myanmar (formerly Burma), in southeast Asia, borders China, Thailand, and Bangladesh. The Christian Reformed Church of Myanmar includes about 6,000 believers.
Synod vice president Rev. George Vink said he helped with teaching pastors in Myanmar and helped lay groundwork for the ministry there. “I’m delighted that I did not scare them off from ecclesiastical fellowship,” he joked.
Synod also voted to enter into dialogue with the Christian Reformed Church of Haiti. To be in dialogue means the CRC is exploring the possibility of moving toward ecclesiastical fellowship with that church.
For more coverage while synod is in session, including webcasts, photos, discussion forums, reports, and more, visit the .
About the Author
Roxanne VanFarowe is a freelance writer who claims both Canadian and American citizenship and grew up in the Christian Reformed Church. She is a member of Blacknall Presbyterian Church in Durham, North Carolina.