Synod gave its stamp of approval to the Board of Trustees’ appointment of Rev. Joel Boot as the Christian Reformed Church’s interim executive director.
Elder Evan Cuperus (right) seconds the motion to ratify Rev. Joel Boot’s appointment.
Karen Huttenga
Elder Evan Cuperus, Classis Georgetown, shared that Boot was his pastor at Ridgewood CRC in Jenison, Mich., since 1992—a pastor and friend who was there for weddings, baptisms, professions of faith, and also untimely deaths in Cuperus’s family.
“Joel Boot is God’s choice,” said Cuperus. “Something we’ve known at Ridgewood CRC for 19 years is now being shared with the CRC.”
After voting to approve the ratification of Boot, synod delegates joined in a hearty round of applause.
For more coverage while synod is in session, including webcast, photos, discussion forum, reports, and more, visit the .
About the Author
Roxanne VanFarowe is a freelance writer who claims both Canadian and American citizenship and grew up in the Christian Reformed Church. She is a member of Blacknall Presbyterian Church in Durham, North Carolina.