In an effort to create honest conversation about issues including self-injury and depression, hosted a campus-wide event.
Event raises awareness about self-injury and depression.
This Christian Reformed ministry located at the University of Guelph brought in Jamie Tworkowski, director of (TWLOHA), an interfaith organization.
In addition to speaking to students, raising awareness, and sharing stories of hope, organizers also held a resource fair before and after the event so students could connect to on- and off-campus organizations dealing with these issues.
Guelph Campus Ministry worked with Campus for Christ, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and Lakeside Church; other campus groups got involved as well.
James VanderBerg, director of the ministry, said, “The opportunity to work alongside other groups on campus is a significant way to develop relationships, build respect, and share the light that Christ has to offer.”
In addition to Tworkowski, the event featured musical artist Noah Gundersen.
The event was well received, nearly filling the campus’s War Memorial Hall. “There was lots of conversation afterward, and there’s now a push to run a student focus group to explore new ways to support students working through depression and other matters like self-injury,” said VanderBerg. “As we see it, this whole project is an opportunity to bring hope to a hurting world.”
About the Author
Anita Brinkman is a freelance news correspondent for The Banner. She lives in Chatham, Ontario.