As a new school year once again approaches, makes sure that area children have the supplies they need.
Working with the Butler County Back to School Project, project organizer Joy Dralle said that $25 covers the cost of supplies for one student.
When the project began, donation boxes were placed around town to collect the supplies. But as the charity grew, so did the need for space to store them. Though organizers still collect supplies, they ask first for monetary donations.
Volunteers assemble school supplies.
Joy Dralle
In addition to collecting donations for the students’ school year needs, they also offer the opportunity for donators to focus their giving toward one student through sponsorship.
The Back to School Project is part of an overall organization called Butler County Visions of Well-Being (V.O.W.).
The Back to School Project happens primarily at the beginning of the school year, but the schools do contact V.O.W. if needs arise during the year.
“We heard from school partners that there was a need for this project,†Dralle said. “It's expanded over the years. We raised approximately $4,000 last year.â€
About the Author
Kate Padilla is a staff writer at the Spencer Daily Reporter in Spencer, Iowa, where she is a member of Hope Church.