Heidi Meincke went from a life of abandonment and anger to a life of redemption and hope after becoming a Christian through . She recently told her story to a group of women at , whose Coffee Break ministry supports Living Rock Ministries.
Heidi Meincke, 23, was born in war-torn Romania and left at a state-run orphanage, living in deplorable conditions. Eventually she was adopted and moved to Canada. But when she was 11, her parents divorced and Meincke turned to drugs and self-harming. After several hospitalizations, her parents placed her in the care of Children’s Aid Society. She ran away, living on the streets of Hamilton. Although she used the food bank program at Living Rock Ministries, she didn’t care about the other programs.
“I was so angry at the world and at my family for abandoning me. I just exploded,” Meincke explained. She attempted suicide, but miraculously the rod she tried to hang herself on broke free. “God was with me that day. That rod was strong and it just came crashing down.” She turned to Living Rock for help and applied to their TRI-Rock program, a 16-week employment and life training program for youth.
“The TRI-Rock program saved my life. The staff at Living Rock accepted me. They became my sanctuary,” Meincke said. She is now attending Mohawk College to further her education and is encouraged by the support she received by speaking at Coffee Break.
Renee Game, a member of Ancaster CRC, appreciated listening to Heidi’s story. “It’s so inspiring to hear how Living Rock is making a real difference.”
Living Rock works with thousands of at-risk young people from Hamilton each year. Ancaster CRC’s Coffee Break group has supported this ministry for over 10 years through volunteer work and food and clothing donations.
About the Author
Krista Dam-VandeKuyt is a member of Kemptville CRC and lives with her family in Ottawa, Ontario.