For probably the first time ever, Calvin College’s student-chosen Professor of the Year award is going to a professor named after t
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Two simultaneous Coffee Break conferences in the U.S.
In the early morning, as I look across the quiet stillness of the lake, I see reflections of the trees, the clouds, the sky, the sunrise&
- January 18, 2011| |
“Be careful what you pray for,” cautions Eli Toribio. “You just might get it.”
TCelebratory events are occurring throughout the year and around the world in honor of the 500th birthday of John Calvin on July 10.
More than 20 years of patient work, coupled with some timely interventions by God, have led to the blossoming of the Christian Reformed C
As a campus pastor at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Ed Laarman faces a daunting challenge: how to introduce the gospel to students
- January 18, 2011| |
Being born female shouldn’t mean having less access to healthcare, education, or safety.
FĂ©lix and Adela had been hearing for weeks about a big rally planned for Bangui in the Central African Republic and wondered what
April showers, May flowers, June synods.
Josh Kuipers, a junior majoring in religion, anthropology, and Kiswahili at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., had not considered a c
When churches add ministry staff—worship leaders, youth pastors, administrators, pastoral caregivers—they often seek training
Growing up in Cuba, Juan Pablo Sanchez never saw the inside of a church . . . or the outside, for that matter.
How would you feel if your children only had access to dubbed translations of foreign videos?
Alexandra is a Christian from the Penza region of Russia, a little more than 700 km south of Moscow. In a letter to Rev.
Back in her student days at Calvin College, there was one on-campus job that appealed to Mary Hulst.
Georgia Roberts had been living with 10 of her children and four grandchildren in trailers and mobile homes since Hurricane Katrina destr
It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” Those words became all too real for me a number of years ago when I was clearing a smal
Because he was known as a hard worker and a devout Muslim, a young man got a good job herding cattle for wealthy families in his West Afr
It’s early morning, and the temperature has already reached 100 degrees in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
In order to reach out to a broader audience, Back to God Ministries International has endorsed moving to “ReFrame Media” as t
How do we avoid destroying the temple of God?
Former Calvin College physics professor Vernon J. Ehlers introduced a resolution in the U.S.