Our family has quite the collection of Bible storybooks, gifts from loved ones who pray for our son’s faith formation.
In courtrooms, witnesses swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Have you heard a sermon about heaven lately?
2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
I remember when my youngest daughter was a newborn.
2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
Last year a request came from the deacons in our church to sponsor Syrian refugees.
I made profession of faith when I was 16 years old at my home church
In recent years, Christian colleges and universities have made significant progress on issues of race.
Why do we baptize infants?
“Why are you wasting your time reading something that’s not even real?â€
I don’t believe in original sin. In fact, I think sin is just about the most unoriginal thing in the world.
I would like to tell you about some friends of mine.
Many old-timers like me will remember when the Ten Commandments were read each Sunday in worship, usually before a confession of sin.
The disciples were more than two hours into their executive committee meeting when someone finally made the motion to appoint the seven.
I saw the three pieces of church furniture—pulpit, font, and table—where I had conducted God's amazing grace.
The Drama of Doctrine
Why We Need to Revive Catechism for Our TeensI’ve heard it over and over from pastors and elders in the Christian Reformed Church.
Over the past several decades I have written much and spoken to many audiences about the importance of cultivating Christian civility.