The Canadian Ministries office of the Christian Reformed Church in North America has invested time and energy in creating short videos that provide a look at the types of outreach and ministry facilitated by the CRCNA’s office in Burlington, Ontario.
Created in consultation with CRC’s Proservices, the project took a year to complete and encouragement for the project came from board members of the CRCNA in Canada.
These are being posted on the CRCNA's website, on the Canadian Ministries Webpage, as they are released.
Videos of Campus Ministries work and a look at the ministry of the Committee for Contact with the Government/Christian Reformed Centre for Public Dialogue have been distributed to churches and are available. Videos have also been done featuring the work of ServiceLink, Aboriginal Ministry, and Ecumenical Ministry. More may be made.
“They (the videos) are designed to be used during worship services, at the point where the offering is taken,†says Bruce Adema, director of Canadian Ministries for the CRCNA.
“However, they may also be used at congregational meetings or small group meetings. The first of these videos, which highlights Campus Ministries, was shipped in October. The second, which highlights the Committee for Contact with the Government, was sent out in December.â€
The aim has been to create awareness of these ministries and to highlight the “effective, impacting and transformative programs and ministries that are making a difference in the world and among our people,†says Adema.
The actual videos were made by Martinus Geleynse, a member of the CRC and owner and operator of MG International.
To learn more, contact Adema at Or phone him at the Canadian Ministries, Burlington Office, Christian Reformed Church in North America: 905.336.2920 ext. 301, Fax: 905.336.8344.
About the Author
Chris Meehan is a freelance writer and commissioned pastor at Coit Community Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.