Sidnéa, who lives in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil, received a surprise Christmas “card†from a colleague at work.
A young man reads through his copy of Cada Dia, a BTGMI publication.
The envelope contained a Christmas devotional booklet called Cada Dia Natal. Sidnéa was so moved by the devotions, she signed up for an annual subscription, noting that it was a blessing in her life.
Every year LPC (Luz Para o Caminho), ’s Portuguese media outreach in Brazil, creates and distributes a special Christmas version of their monthly devotional booklet, Cada Dia.
Each month LPC prints and distributes more than 20,000 Cada Dia booklets. But at Christmastime it prints many more, as several people who receive these monthly devotionals —as well as members of local congregations and businesses—order Cada Dia Natal to distribute as Christmas cards to friends, neighbors, and acquaintances.
One woman, who received a copy from her doctor, wrote, “I read the messages about Jesus and was moved to trust in him.â€
José works as a traveling salesman in the town of Ilha Solteira. One afternoon while working he received a copy of Cada Dia Natal. Later, at home, he began to read it, shared the devotions with his family, then called to subscribe to the monthly Cada Dia. “Thank you so much for the great tool that I could share with my family,†he told the LPC staff.
About the Author
Nancy Vander Meer is a staff writer with Back to God Ministries International in Grand Rapids, Mich.