is a series of six 30-minute video segments that equip congregations and small groups to understand, discuss, and break down the racism that exists in our communities. The information is presented in an open, straightforward, and encouraging manner. The sessions offer ways to challenge both personal and institutional racism, and they include, among other things, the stories and personal experiences of a variety of people, dramatic readings of Scripture, the perspective on diversity developed by the CRC in a , and pertinent portions of our denominational history. A printable study guide is embedded in the first of the two-disc set, which was created in a collaborative effort by the Office of Race Relations, Christian Reformed Home Missions, and the CRCNA Foundation. A free copy has been sent to every congregation in the CRC; additional copies can be purchased from
About the Author
Kristy Quist is Tuned In editor for The Banner and a member of Neland Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich.