Qumsiyeh, a Palestinian Christian, gives detailed histories of Palestinians, including Christians, and their perspective on their struggle to survive—from the occupation of the Ottomans to the current occupation of Israel. Historic and recent events weave through this dramatic account that describes activities you would not believe possible by people considered civilized. But the also shows the effectiveness and bravery of nonviolent resistance, with principles used by Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Qumsiyeh believes that peace with justice is possible in Israel and Palestine and, in fact, may be within reach. (Pluto Press)
About the Author
Jake Terpstra is a retired social worker, former director of three child welfare agencies in Michigan and a child welfare specialist in the U.S. Children’s Bureau, from 1977 to 1997. Jake is the author of Because Kids Are Worth It. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.