Christine Farenhorst is a gifted story teller and author of several books. Her late father, Louis Praamsma, was a CRC minister who taught for a time at Calvin Theological Seminary. Farenhorst's most recent books are : Stories from the First and Second World Wars and : Stories from the Middle Ages. Afterwards I Knew will be of particular interest to Banner readers. In vivid and at times spine-chilling prose, these gripping stories give readers a feel for the faith challenges and moral dilemmas faced by Dutch Christians who protected Jews from the Nazis. There is also a strong emphasis on the goodness of divine providence. The books are aimed at readers ages 12 and up; yet as one reviewer notes, "Children can read these stories, but I think they might have to tear them from the hands of their parents." (CF4K Books)
About the Author
J. Cameron Fraser, DMin, is a retired Christian Reformed pastor in Lethbridge, Alta., who now concentrates on writing as well as occasional preaching. His latest book is Evangelicals and Abortion: Historical, Theological, Practical Perspectives.