The greeting, “Hi, how are you?” is a safe, noncommittal opener, but what if we were really interested in how people are doing at the soul level? Pastor Judah Smith tackles the need for a healthy soul in the book
Smith argues that people’s relationships, vocations, pursuits, or pleasures won’t produce true fulfillment. Satisfaction results in a healthy soul centered on God. People are looking to come home, and home resides in God. Smith contends, “Life is bigger than us, more than needs and pursuits . . . starts with God, ends with God and points to God.”
The book is written in a practical, down-to-earth style with plenty of humor. It will challenge readers to take a deeper look at the importance of one’s soul. (Thomas Nelson)
About the Author
Paul Delger is a long time professional writer and inspirational speaker to young people and lives in Kanawha, Iowa.