As someone who spends at least two hours commuting to and from work each day, I don’t know how I would get along without the manna that is Christian podcasts. The sonic ministry of the ones I’ve subscribed to over the past few years has given me many occasions to repent, learn, be encouraged, and rejoice. Here are some Christian podcasts you should try:
1. “”: Chummy co-hosts Jimmy Fowler and Joe Thorn of Redeemer Fellowship in St. Charles, Ill., sometimes smoke cigars while recording episodes for this podcast (new segments are posted twice a week). They have a way of putting you at ease and having helpful, casual conversations on interesting and sometimes intimate Christian topics (like their episode “Why Pastors Cheat”).
2. “”: This Gospel Coalition podcast is a must for anyone who is in a position of service that requires them to teach the Bible. As a small group leader at my local church, I’ve been built up and humbled by this podcast. Guthrie is a fantastic host who truly activates each conversation with a keen sense for what Bible teachers want and need to hear.
3. “”: This weekly series of roundtable discussions has long been a mainstay in my podcast subscription list. Michael Horton, professor at Westminster Seminary in California, leads each panel through a discussion of the week’s topic, clarifying the Reformed view of things. I particularly enjoy examinations of person-on-the-street interviews they conduct to get insight into what everyday believers and skeptics think about popular theological questions.
4. “”: This podcast, hosted by worship leaders at Madison Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., is primarily intended to edify worship leaders. However, each episode makes it clear that worship and praise are intimately linked to all facets of life. The thoughtful conversations on this young podcast address topics like race, politics, and culture, always with a view to the truth that worship and life are meant to be one and the same, no matter who you are and no matter who you worship with.
Gospel-centered podcasts can be a great help in keeping your thoughts fixed on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Phil. 4:8).