Through partnerships with the congregations, classes, and members of the Christian Reformed Church, Home Missions is helping to create vi
Grace through every generation
Healed to LeadIona stewart’s first encounter with the Christian Reformed Church was a service at Second CRC Brampton, Ontario, to which a friend
Genocide or Healing ?
Reading one of the Bible's most disturbing passagesWhat most attracts you to the Bible and what most repels you?
Look over the shoulders of computer users in any Internet café, and you’ll discover that the Web offers more entertainment t
Q: Must a council receive the transfer of someone who, though in “good stand
A Modest Proposal
The CRC is now 150 years old. What might its future hold? Here’s one perspective guaranteed to generate discussion.This year the Christian Reformed Church in North America celebrates 150 years of ministry.
Silent Signals and Secret Codes
Did you know that trees talk? They do! So do some flowers and bugs and other animals.
Two contrasting recent articles in The Banner touch on divine providence (“Is God Responsible?” by Daniel Boerman, August 200
This page is not for the birds. It is for us. And about the birds.
In January the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that a child may have more than two legal parents.
Rev. Steven Schulz loves movies.
For nearly 20 years ball hockey has been the activity of choice on Sunday afternoons for young Christian Reformed men in Langley, British
Opening a coffeehouse may seem an unlikely action for a church, but that’s what Alameda (Calif.) Christian Reformed Church did this
South Korean Christian school teachers visited Iowa this winter to learn from North American Christian school teachers.
Ten members of Avery Street Christian Reformed Church in South Windsor, Conn., spent two hot weeks in East Africa last fall, seeing first
Older and younger members of Visalia (Calif.) Christian Reformed Church are getting to know each other better over dinner.
Members of the 63-voice choir of Manhattan (Mont.) Christian High School traveled late last fall to Manhattan, N.Y., to perform at Carneg
Members of Waterloo (Ont.) Christian Reformed Church found that food bridges barriers of language and religion.
For the past six years volunteers from Canada and the United States have joined Guatemalans with disabilities and their families for a th
Marine Cpl. Joshua Pickard, a member of Gateway Community Christian Reformed Church in Merced, Calif., died in Iraq Dec. 19, 2006.