Are we denying Christ by going on a family reunion cruise
Big Questions
Our panel of contributors replies to questions from readers on topics like these: ethics, relationships, missional living, faith formation, vocation/calling, digital life, church/Bible/doctrine, and stewardship. Got a question you’d like answered?
“shall transact ecclesiastical matters only.” Does that mean they are prevented from addressing climate change
Q What are some conversation starters that might lead to deeper spiritual discussions with my friends?
After 30 years of youth ministry, I see so many young people leaving the church and even the faith.
I don’t know what to do. My wife died three years ago. Last year a friend’s wife was widowed, and I feel drawn to her.
What’s wrong with imposing Christian morality on our society?
Does Scripture support the practice of limited tenure for elders and deacons?
Q I have been inviting my friend to my church for some time.