My siblings and I can’t seem to agree on end-of-life decisions for our parents, and they do not have a living will. How do we find consensus, if not agreement?
Big Questions
Our panel of contributors replies to questions from readers on topics like these: ethics, relationships, missional living, faith formation, vocation/calling, digital life, church/Bible/doctrine, and stewardship. Got a question you’d like answered?
My church expects parents to help in children’s worship once a month. Is that necessary? What do we gain and what do we lose?
If people have talents in music, writing, hospitality, technology, or some other area that could benefit the church community, do they have an obligation to do so?
To help you decide, ask how this position might allow you to love God and love your neighbor.
Does the Christian Reformed Church recommend that when a pastor of long-standing service in her or his congregation retires, that she or he mentor the incoming pastor for a period of time?
We are not respectful enough of other people’s time.
Can you be a Christian, a Jesus follower, and not be a missionary?
I grew up with the admonition, “If you’re not ready to mate, you’re not ready to date,” meaning don’t date until you’re ready for the long commitment of marriage. How do I convey this principle to my teenagers when their friends have girlfriends?
It was recently reported that a very prominent billionaire paid only $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. Is it right for Christians to try to reduce their tax burden to a bare minimum?
My small group is boring because people sit there but don’t participate. How do I get the members to engage?
After reading your suggestion to ditch social media entirely, I see you have accounts on all the major platforms. What’s up with that?
When considering saving for retirement, how much is enough or too much? How much should we worry about retirement income in light of Jesus’ words “Do not worry about tomorrow”?
Does being overwhelmed by my job mean I’ve mistaken my calling or am doing something wrong?
A couple in our church is unsure about infant baptism and has asked for their child to be dedicated instead. Is that OK?
‘Evangelism’ has often been reduced to a simple formula that ‘the other’ is invited to accept and believe.
What do I say to young adults in my family when they say they have left the church because they were hurt by the church?
Race is a product of racism.
Too often we confuse God’s calling for our lives with a paid vocation.
The word ‘meme’ itself was coined in 1976.
What do you think about “regifting”—giving someone else a gift that you had previously received yourself as a gift?
Can someone who is divorced and remarried serve as an elder?
My father thinks it’s God-ordained, but my mother disagrees. Who is right?
Faith formation is more than just acquiring knowledge. It is about transformation.
When faced with important decisions, it’s good practice to think of all the relevant factors involved and then decide if there are any non-negotiable factors.