Experts can usually tell when something has been manipulated, but what about the rest of us?
Digital Life
My kid threw a fit when she saw the photos I had posted of her online. I think she’s overreacting, but what do you think?
Helpful input convinced me that online dating is a viable option for anyone seeking a mate.
If you mention genealogy in a group, it’s likely someone has had some experience with it—or knows someone who has. You’re also likely to pick up on some friendly competitiveness about how far back their roots could be traced.
Until we learn and agree on the rules, I’d suggest we err on the side of revealing less about ourselves online—to a smaller and more trustworthy group—and behave online like we do in person.
Online commenting is the latest and most efficient way we allow ourselves to be set up against each other.
Three or four years ago, I started to notice people beginning their spoken sentences with “so...â€
Do we need to consider a digital-device detox?
With more than 2 billion users worldwide, what could possibly be wrong with Facebook, the free social media service invented to bring us closer to each other?
Our deacons are promoting electronic funds transfer (EFT) as a giving option for our church.