Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
To our great joy, Erin and I were expecting.
Late one afternoon, my dad was driving down his fairly quiet residential street when he noticed that the older sedan driving in front of
I’m not happy. I’m strung out. Thats’s not me.
Our church bulletin announced the forthcoming annual art display in the all-purpose room.
Consider the Birds
It was an innocent suggestion, that game of hide-and-seek.
9-11 After 5
There’s something alluring about seeing your words in print. Nigh intoxicating.
An attractive young woman is put on a diet by her doctor.
How do we deal appropriately with a sister denomination about which we have concerns (see “Don’t Turn Away,” p.
An article in the January 2006 Banner titled “Going to the Extreme” carried interviews with several people who engage in high
Formerly “Q&A,” this column is devoted to answering a broad range of questions
relating to Christian faith and life.I am a patient at the Christian Rest Home. Back spasms and polymyalgia interfered with my independent living.
His eyes open each morning
to the same lines, the same dots
in the ceiling.
The same fluorescent lights.
Teal carpet,A No. 2 pencil can write approximately 45,000 words. That’s a lot of writing.
NO, THE BANNER is not going to the dogs. Just this page.
Joking apart, my wife, Margo, and I have accepted a call extended by West End Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
A collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he’d just thrown away a worn Bible he’d found in a dusty, old
Instead of the usual “In My Humble Opinion” column on this page, you'll find many voices speaking in reaction to Synod 2
The news report on my car radio announced that the towers had fallen and that there was further mayhem at the Pentagon.
As a growing boy I was good at playing marbles in our Detroit neighborhood.
BULLYING: the word evokes memories in almost everyone who hears it.