Once we arrived at the hospital, we were led to a large, dark, mostly empty room, where against the wall on a small rug a little Indigenous boy sat rocking back and forth. His name was Patrick, and he was 14 months old.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
What does “going to church” have to do with being missional?
Should Christians support Israel no matter what it does to the Palestinians?
Is it OK to charge my adult children rent as a means of teaching responsibility?
How should we read and find meaning in highly technical parts of the Bible, such as the laws presented in Leviticus or the censuses and lists of Numbers or 1 Chronicles?
Sometimes a single word can make a difference and give us things to think about.
We often view receiving gifts—especially of assistance, necessities or financial help—as signs of weakness.
The only way back to Eden was through death.
Jesus not only brought us peace with God, but gives us the peace of God in our hearts.
Several news stories, a few of our Cross Examination columns, three features, and an As I Was Saying blog post captured the most attention in The Banner’s web-published articles this year.
It’s difficult, when we want to create an atmosphere of trust and good will, to recognize that we also need to be aware of the ways that sin can lurk unseen among us.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
It’s almost as if God had ordained this table for me—which, I would later come to learn through my systematic theology course, he did.
As long as these eggs are kept at room temperature, they don't begin to develop.
Who goes to synod as voting delegates? What change did Synod 2023 adopt?
“I shouldn’t be here…” For the last three-plus years, this phrase has reverberated in my head more than once.
Disgruntled already about the annual hoopla surrounding the birth of the Savior, Santa really did it. This was simply outrageous.
When my mentor suggested we study the book of Deuteronomy, I thought, “Really? Deuteronomy? Isn’t that one of the books that makes people quit their Bible-in-a-year reading plans?”
Someone I care about is unemployed and looking for work. How can I best help them?
Honoring Native American heritage feels differently for me as a new immigrant at this particular time in history.
I’m a boomer who has started to use emojis. Is that a bad thing?
We cannot erase our emotions, but we can learn to lower their intensity so that they become more manageable.
We are to be God’s ambassadors of reconciliation, showing how a world so bent on murdering each other can be shown how to love each other and even to do the impossible in loving our enemies.
Even our very best words fail to capture the power, beauty, and glory of the uncreated and everlasting God.