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Our Shared Ministry
Mixed Media
- At Worship, Two Synods are Better than One
- Celebrating 150+ Years of Ministry
- Christian Reformed Campus Ministers Meet in Vancouver
- Church Switching Classes Raises Church Unity Discussion
- Council of Delegates’ Authority Comes from Synod
- CRC to Collaborate with the RCA in Interreligious Matters
- Dordt and Calvin Colleges to Be Renamed as Universities
- Dutch Cultural Envoy Reaches Out to RCA, CRC
- Ecumenical Guests Greet CRC Synod
- Family Ties with The Dominican Republic CRC
- Former Executive Director Peter Borgdorff Dies at 78
- Fresh Faces on Synod 2018 Executive
- Funds to Assist Immigrant Churches Found
- In Memoriam Rev. Roger Hugh Kraker (1948-2018)
- In Memoriam: Rev. Harry Hendrik Boer (1940-2018)
- In Memoriam: Rev. John Timmer (1927-2018)
- In Memoriam: Rev. Peter Borgdorff (1939-2018)
- Laughs, Lunch, and Multilingual Blessings
- No Classis-to-Classis Appeals Permitted
- On the Journey Together
- One, One, One, One
- Practicing Unity, One Step, One Synod at a Time
- RCA and CRC Delegates Discuss their Shared Future
- Rules for Commissioned Pastors Clarified
- Steve Timmermans: ‘This Is God’s Church’
- Synod 2018 Confronts Abuse
- Synod 2018 Creates New Justice Committee
- Synod 2018 Encourages Celebration of Synod of Dort 1618-1619
- Synod Receives Candidates for the Office of Minister of the Word
- Synod Recognizes Conflict, Urges Reconciliation
- Talking Justice: Face to Face Is Way Better Than Facebook
- Tools of Destruction Turned to Tools of Grace
- Women Reflect on Female Leadership in CRC
- World Renew Calls Synod to Prayer for Nicaragua
- Young Adult Reps Hopeful About the Church
- ‘Coming Home’: CRC Chaplains Gather, Remember Those Passed
- ‘Country Woman of the Year’ and Teacher ‘Hero’ Found in New York Church