The best novelist in the United States reminds us once again why she's also the country's best essayist in
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
I have appreciated Ehrman's perspective on the New Testament—not agreed with, but appreciated.
This explo
Great Lake Swimmers has a tradition of recording folk harmonies in odd and isolated Canadian locations such as a lakeside church or an
So many books, so little time, right? We’ll help you narrow it down by highlighting a few recent titles.
The United States observes a National Day of Prayer on May 3, 2012—but every day is a day of prayer.
Apple’s Core
by Otto SellesIn 1984 I experienced my first “Apple moment.” As I opened the boxes holding my brand-new Apple MacIntosh computer, I was
Have you ever thought about Jonah’s story from the perspective of a big fish? Eileen Spinelli has.
Blue Like Jazz
reviewed by Kristy QuistDonald Miller’s best-selling memoir Blue Like Jazz has made it to the big screen, thanks to many, many individuals.
Jeanine Hathaway’s latest poetry collection,
Though you may never have heard of it, Sarah Jarosz’s is o
Both single and married people are addressed in
On the surface, this is a novel about the tension between an affluent California family and their Mexican maid.
The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond
reviewed by Robert KeeleyT Bone Burnett has made a name for himself as someone who knows how to produce albums that capture the spirit of a film.
During the Hundred Years’ War, Jehanne, later known as Joan of Arc, heard saints’ voices directing her to save France from
The Call of Story: An American Renaissance
reviewed by Ron VandenBurgDo you love a good story told well?
Growing up, Palestinian Sami Al Jundi learned to hate occupying Israeli forces.
The Twelve
reviewed by Robert N. HosackA new blog, “,” carries the byline “Reformed.
Audrey Assad’s second record, , is a work that f
The Hunger Games are upon us. I’ve been dreading this moment since I heard that the first of the book trilogy was being filmed. Not because I didn’t like the books; in fact, I like them quite a lot.
Ten years into her career, Rosie Thomas has found peace and happiness.
Billy Graham, world-renowned preacher and evangelist, notes that as a Christian he was taught how to die but not how to grow old.
Do you remember walking through the gates of a fair when you were a child?