Kevin DeYoung provides a pastorally sensitive introduction to the complementarian understanding of what the Bible teaches about the roles of men and women.
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
Now streaming, a 2020 Indie film tells the story of a white woman who becomes an Ethiopian refugee.
Written by a CRC pastor, this historical memoir will give insight and courage to anyone interested in justice for all regardless of race in our current politically polarized time.
In this poignant, perceptive, witty novel, Gary D. Schmidt brings authenticity and emotion, weaving in themes of grief, loss, redemption, achievement, and love.
A reflective live worship album invites listeners to remember God’s character.
Writer and spiritual director Charlotte Donlon reframes loneliness and offers us a language for the disquiet within.
A broken survival expert and an orphan run from a fire and a pair of assassins.
Attuned to the power of the written word, seasoned teachers contemplate sacred themes, exploring passages from books they love in light of passages from Scripture.
A former soldier and head of the West Point history department challenges the myths and lies of the Confederate legacy—and explores why some of the USA's oldest wounds have never healed.
UK Indie folk group Orphan No More offers a soulful blend of lament and praise.
From a bestselling and award-winning husband-and-wife team comes an innovative, beautifully illustrated novel for 8- to 12-year-olds that delivers a front-row seat to the groundbreaking moments in history that led to African Americans earning the right to vote.
Authors document the evolution of Critical Theory.
A dark and harrowing Welsh detective drama with compelling characters and suspenseful stories.
A riveting memoir is at once a coming-of-age story and a powerful evocation of what it takes to bring hope and justice to families caught up in the prison system.
Tani Adewumi's moving true story of immigrating to America, developing his talent for chess, and finding a new home.
Celebration Worship, composed of Dove Award-winning artists and worship team members from Jacksonville, Fla.-based Celebration Church, releases its ninth album.
Film Industry Professionals Share Their Stories and Their Process on This Lively Podcast
Through his own trials, Ben Young has learned not only to survive each dark day but to live every day in ways that make a person stronger, wiser, and more at peace.
Tension remains high in this scary sequel.
How much does your former high school popularity affect your life today?
A collaboration between two innovative worship groups produces a stirring album extolling God’s provision and goodness.
Whether it’s a supersonic sandwich maker or a 12-tailed dragon, Sicily Bridges can make almost anything from materials she finds around her apartment complex.
A book of daily readings on being an Enneagram Seven by an adventurer and pastor.
Two cops confront a pair of baffling cold cases in back-to-back seasons of the acclaimed British crime series Unforgotten.