Ever heard of a “tween?” If not, just chillax and let me explain.
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
Three Cups of Tea
by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
reviewed by Sonya VanderVeen FeddemaIn the film Shadowlands—the 1993 Anthony Hopkins movie about the life of C.S.
In my 20s, after sending out nearly 500 resumes for an entry-level urban planning position, I eventually managed to get the job.
The Hebrew prophets had a habit of causing a stir.
As in the movie Bridge to Terabithia, in which two friends create a magic kingdom to escape the troubles in their lives, Hollywood has al
New to our church 10 years ago, my husband and I wanted to get to know more people.
Recent popular books have ratcheted up the tension between Christianity and competing worldviews.
One of the final chapters in Harry Emerson Fosdick’s autobiography The Living of These Days is titled “Ideas That Have Used M
Do you remember your favorite childhood picture book? Most of us can point to at least one story, whether it was a fairy tale or a Dr.
Is there such a thing as Christian comedy, or is that an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp” or “airline food?”
It’s easy to be cynical about spiritual memoirs as publishers seem to mine the market for all its worth.
The great revivalist preacher Billy Sunday once told his flock, “When I talk to you about card playing in your home, I am trying to
When you hear the word “Hollywood,” images of glitz, glamour, and movie stars probably come to mind.
The Other Side of the Bridge
by Mary Lawson
reviewed by Jim Romahnwww.allrecipes.com
reviewed by Kelly Crull
Here’s a test. What images come to mind when you hear the words “comic book”?
“American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any activity except sleeping,&rdqu
Look over the shoulders of computer users in any Internet café, and you’ll discover that the Web offers more entertainment t
reviewed by Ron VandenBurg
ON FEBRUARY 25, the annual Academy Awards of Merit in filmmaking will be held in Los Angeles.
The True False Identity
by T Bone Burnett
reviewed by Robert N. Hosack
Jesus-powered superkids, demonic assassins, and faith-propelled boulders?
Have you ever tried to explain the Christmas story to someone who has never heard it before?