To help others, Ross Poel and his parents are speaking out publicly about Ross’ fight against heroin.
New Life CRC food pantry clients bring their own gifts to the ministry.
Jewel CRC provides songs, church bulletins, and litanies in Braille.
Choristers in Rochester were challenged to bring a musical message with excellence.
Charlottetown CRC formed its own campus ministry on an informal basis.
Grace Valley CRC put almost as much thought into taking down their old building as putting up their new one.
The Civil Wars, the singing/songwriting folk duo of Joy Williams and John Paul White, present their debut album.
According to Xinran, the question most often asked by Chinese girls adopted into Western families is “Why didn’t my Chines
Calvin College recently hosted , a bienni
Kurt Rietema is a church planter for in the ethnically diverse neighbo
A former drug addict testifies to God’s faithfulness.
Why Give?
A pessimist’s paradoxAt a time when budgets have been pruned and purse strings tightened, the outpouring of generosity following Haiti’s devastating
Redeemer students wrote essays about faith and science for a scholarship competition.
Tyce VanderLaan placed second in a four-state competition and 21st nationally.
One Grand Rapids church brings families together for dinner.
Offering health clinics helps indigenous churches in India.
Girls build derby cars, boys bake cookies.
Houston Christian School brought home the provincial girls’ basketball title.
Jihad: What Does the Qur’an Really Say?
Putting our questions directly to a Muslim scholarZacharia al Khatib was studying at the University of Alberta while Tom Oosterhuis was the Christian Reformed chaplain there. Afte
Our Fundamental Identity
An adoptive father and a daughter of Chinese immigrants reflect on the significance of baptism.About two years ago, while driving to a preaching engagement in a Christian Reformed congregation that had invited me for the first time
Return to Wonder
Our world is thick with miracles.Throughout history, human beings have been struck by the wonder of mysteries we do not fully understand.
Have you ever been caught outside in a thunderstorm? Were you afraid you’d get struck by lightning or hit by a falling tree?
River Jordan’s New Year's resolution was to pray for a different stranger each day.
Bethany Hamilton was a 13-year-old competitive surfer when a shark attack severed her left arm.