An engineering team from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., took second place in a national competition for designing basic utility veh
I know this isn’t the humor page, but please indulge me for a moment.
Making Disciples
An interview with Leonard Vander Zee, the new editor in chief for Faith Alive Christian ResourcesThe Christian publishing giants seem to have it all: impressive market share, big budgets, and primo shelf space in Christian bookstores.
The great revivalist preacher Billy Sunday once told his flock, “When I talk to you about card playing in your home, I am trying to
No church seems safe from the debate concerning the matters of family, marriage, and sexuality.
In an open letter to the Middle East Reformed Fellowship, Yousif Al-Saka, general secretary of Presbyterian Churches in Iraq, appealed fo
Bayonne (N.J.) High School valedictorian Jeremy Jerschina said that to speak from the heart as he addressed his graduating class, he had
Just seven minutes each—that was the time allotted to three ministers at the South Florida celebration of the Christian Reformed Ch
The 100th anniversary celebration of First Christian Reformed Church in Denver is an all-year affair.
On May 13 members of Terrace (B.C.) Christian Reformed Church boarded a chartered bus bound for Smithers, B.C.
On May 6, 600 people from Toronto-area Christian Reformed churches gathered to celebrate the CRC’s 150th anniversary.
Twelve hundred worshipers from 11 congregations gathered at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, in June to celebrate the Christian Refor
“Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” could have been the theme when close to 1,000 people came together in British Columbia&r
Victor Muller never imagined that when he gave a devotional book to a military friend leaving for Qatar in 2004, it would blossom into a
Driven by the call of Micah 6:8, 400 deacons, champions, and supporters of the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee gathered in May
A sermon series on the gospel of John inspired the creativity of many members of Terrace (B.C.) Christian Reformed Church.
Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Lansing, Ill., adopted Kyananjula in Uganda, a village so decimated by the AIDS epidemic that there a
Single working mothers found a friend in Bridgeway Community Christian Reformed Church, Haledon, N.J., this past year.
A victory ride around their community in a fire truck—flashing lights and all—helped Manhattan (Mont.) Christian School stude
The Banner and Reformed Worship garnered several awards recently from the Associated Church Press (ACP) and the Evangelical Press Associa
A 66-foot-long submarine sandwich in honor of 31 junior and senior high school graduates stretched along two walls at Immanuel Christian
The Roseland Christian School community in Chicago is grieving the death of former student Blair Holt, 16, as are members of Pullman Chri
Terrific, Tremendous Trees
Trees are a big deal in the Bible, and I can prove it. Ask a parent for permission to go online.