Eli Poole is about to begin his first job at Baxter Pharmaceuticals after earning a degree in computer programming. Typical for his age and situation, he can’t wait to move out on his own and begin his own journey, one free from church and family restraints.
God has other plans.
Eli encounters an understanding boss and a likeable but profane colleague. Both come to have a huge influence on his life, the boss pulling him toward Christ, the colleague mocking him. There is a murder, there is mayhem, there is repentance that brings Eli the peace that passes understanding, and there is backsliding.
But is basically a Christian parable. Moelker deftly uses Eli’s struggles to unpack Christian Reformed strengths, theology, and society. Be prepared to shed a few tears.
Moelker is a Christian Reformed pastor in Ontario. (John Moelker Books)
About the Author
Jim Romahn is a freelance journalist in Kitchener, Ont., where he belongs to Community Christian Reformed Church.