Rancher John Lockwood and his Internet-savvy friend John Underwood thought they had a really bright idea: offer hunters a chance to hunt
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
Award shows frustrate me.
Who's Your Daddy?
Looking Back on the Central Questions of the Star Wars SagaLooking Back on the Central Questions of the Star Wars Saga
“This war represents a failure to listen.”‱
Hammock? CHECK! Iced tea? CHECK! Summer reading list? CHECK!
So many books, so few summer days. From lighteared to serious, these books are great leisure-time reads.Memoir
Gods of Noonday: A White Girl’s African Life
by Elaine Neil Orr
reviewThe other day in a literature class I mentioned Clint Eastwood’s boxing picture “Million Dollar Baby.” One student said
I’m a sucker for fiction, I admit it. My literary preference isn’t entirely the result of reading (and re-reading) C.S.