Over the past 15 years, the office of commissioned pastor has burgeoned.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion News Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
More pastors are trained now in places like Western Seminary, Regent College, and Fuller Seminary.
Synod 2019 made changes in how pastors who have been ordained in other churches can enter the CRC.
Bivocational pastors can help small churches maintain their life together when financial resources are scarce.
Church planters who come to synod said they sometimes feel like “fish out of water.”
One group that was closely following the debate about a new ministry share system were the presidents of the colleges associated with the Christian Reformed Church.
Now that Synod 2019 has adopted radical changes to the ministry share system, how will the new system be rolled out?
Synod 2019 upends the ministry share system that has been in place for more than 150 years.
Synod 2019 (annual meeting of the Christian Reformed Church) radically changed the ministry share system, but the change has been a long time coming.
Synod 2019 joyfully welcomed 42 new candidates for the office of minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church.
Synod 2019 approved appointing a task force to study “the advisability, legality, and morality of ecclesiastical (non-civil) marriage.”
Before taking up the Abuse of Power report, Synod 2019 paused to listen to an interview that illustrated just how much damage abuse causes to so many people.
Synod 2019 (the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church) clarified the rules governing Judicial Code hearings
Synod 2019 didn’t assign missionaries to regions for financial support, but encouraged regions to consider it.
The CRC won’t keep an immigration lawyer on retainer.
Ecumenical delegates addressed Synod 2019, sharing experiences from their churches and encouraging the CRC in its work.
CCC was born in the throes of World War II. Noteboom said, “The pursuit of peace is built into our DNA.”
The Reformed Church in America is at a crossroads.
With many CRCs no longer hosting a second service on Sundays, Synod 2019 proposes changing the Church Order to reflect current practice.
“Churches in communion” and “churches in cooperation” replace previous eccumenical partnership labels.
Two years ago, Synod (the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church) adopted a new category among its fundamental statements of faith.
Syd Hielema, leader of Faith Formation, addressed synod in his final act in that role.
Synod 2019 approved changes for how the archives of the Christian Reformed Church, Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary will be managed. The archives will now be governed under the Hekman Library.
Observers who want the church to better include LGBTQ members unexpectedly got a chance to give feedback on an interim report.