If you’re a black member of the Christian Reformed Church, you probably know what an identity crisis is all about.
For almost 100 years, until the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, Christian Zionists graciously endured the derision of mainline P
Christmas is first of all about Jesus.
I awoke before dawn in southern Sudan to what I thought was the sound of a rooster crowing.
When the Heidelberg Catechism first appeared in 1563, few would have guessed it was destined for greatness.
Gift-Giving Etiquette in the global village
Bread, Stone, or Snake?In 1987 we spent two weeks of cultural orientation living in an empty
hut in a Fulani village in Mali.In his engaging book Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport, Richard Mouw recalls that in the movie Hardcore, Jake tries to explain to Niki,
Seeing the Face of God
What My Muslim Father Taught Me About Christ in the name of God the MercifulGrowing up, I cannot recall a time I got into a car with my father that he didn’t recite this short prayer in Arabic before departi
Are We Wrong About Racism?
Expanding our understandingI believe Satan has done a superb job of deceiving many well-meaning Christians, even Christian leaders.
Make no mistake, what we believe about the Bible is important—not as important as believing what is in it, but still crucial to our
Brad’s father regularly offered him advice. Often Brad appreciated it. His dad had helpful insights into a variety of matters.
Is God Responsible?
Whom do we blame when bad things happen?Recently I heard a christian friend talking about the tragic death of her sister.
You don’t have to be contemporary to grow
It’s been three years since the onset of the war in Iraq.
At the beginning of his confessions, Augustine says to God, “You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless u
Since 1970, April 22 has marked the annual celebration of Earth Day.
The 2006 Academy Award-winning film Crash is one of the most profound and powerful films I’ve ever experienced.
When people ask whether there was death before the fall, they’re not all asking the same question.
Each year, AIDS kills more people than tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes combined. So why are we IGNORING AN ONGOING HORROR?
In my personal time with the Lord, I’ve been studying about waiting on God.
Occasionally, and often tangentially, I pick up in conversations and in periodicals in the Reformed community the terms general revel
Last week a colleague walked into one of our offices and asked, “Just how important is reading the Bible?” The response: &ldq