Fifty-one years later, the memory of a congregation’s gift is still fresh.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Connecting with each other gets us as close to heaven as we can be.
The task of the institutional church is to proclaim the gospel in all its fullness.
Giving isn’t the only way to show love.
Have you ever looked a spider right in the eyes? If not, you’ve missed one of creation’s small wonders!
The question is not “Was it all worth it?” but “How can I give back?”
Let’s start brainstorming about how the church can support youth leaders.
At a recent fundraising event, the speaker rambled on and on.
Small churches deserve the denomination’s support.
It’s time for some fun fishy facts.
One stray dog, four kids, and 12 years added up to much more than we could have guessed.
Finding Jesus in the aftermath of a devastating police call.
Having read and listened to many comments regarding over the last few y
The church should stay out of politics. Right?
Affirmative Action
The most damaging effect of affirmative action (“Is Affirmative Action Biblical?” April 20
Let’s reacquaint ourselves with the text of the confession we already have and with its dramatic early history.
Should everyone who preaches—not just ordained pastors—be allowed to raise their hands while offering God’s blessing?
Taking care of all those animals was no picnic!
Do we need a new category of behavior called “morally tacky”?
“How’s your mom?”
We’re sorry . .
We need to continually reconfess our faith as we follow the Holy Spirit into each new age.
Editor’s note: Attawapiskat is a First Nation community located in northern Ontario, Canada, at the mouth of the Attawapiska