From out of the quiet, the sound of water splashing into the font wakes me up to worship.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Does this sound familiar?
Your September 2011 article “Separated” hit me like a ton of bricks!
A sturdy brick church in my city sports a poster that you probably wouldn’t find in most Christian Reformed churches.
Did you ever wonder how some animals make it through the winter? What happens to caterpillars and frogs?
Two men were shipwrecked on an island. The minute they reached shore, one of them started yelling, “We’re going to die!
“WANTED: 68-year-young great-grandma needs cheap running car for a mud derby, good brakes preferred, don't tell Grandpa!”
Q. When an edited version of the U.S.
In the past several weeks, issues surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons and the church have been at the f
CRC-RCA Reunion
I did miss some important substance in the reports of the “historic” joint meeting of CRC and
How Do We Show That God Matters?
You’re a cathedral.This summer my wife, Margo, and I attended our son’s doctoral promotion at the Free University in Amsterdam.
This past spring our 3-year-old son, Benjamin, planted flowers for the first time.
Well, it happened. Mom and Dad are now separated.
There are more than .
Would Jesus use Facebook?
How many leaves have you seen in your lifetime? Probably billions or trillions, right?
I’m 42 years old and back in school.
READ MORE A Saturday evening in November, with wet snow splattering Edmonton. Settled in comfortable pew.
Responding to “A Call from the CRC’s Young Adults”
The “disconnect” is bigger than you might think.In the June 2011 Banner, Chelsey Munneke summarizes a discussion held by passionate young people, which offers a “diagn
On the Edge of Faith
Learning to live with ambiguity and uncertaintySometimes I’m jealous of other Christians.
Q. Please define the role of evangelists in our denomination.
As a parent I have found the management of household chores to be a chore.