When faced with conflicts over our cherished things, we often default to either “fight†or “flight.â€
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
As World Renew walks alongside people struggling with poverty, we understand that for communities to achieve long-term food security and income stability, mental health issues must be addressed.
A popular radio host and author in Russia led a master class in using literature and the arts as tools for Christian witness.
- May 29, 2023| |
Check out these examples of data that was collected and how that information has been used to improve ministry.
- May 24, 2023| |
I can share two non-negotiable characteristics of a healthy, growing church.
I'm drawn to the concept of integrated living. … I am a whole person, and that means that I bring all of who I am into everything I do.
What is the intersection between mental health and faith?
There is no official program, and until recently most in the church did not know he was doing it.
- April 26, 2023| |
Scripture tells us that the best windows into God’s divine being are God’s image bearers—and about half of those image bearers in the world today are women.
“I was always very easy for my classmates to influence.â€
The 60-credit program will include coursework in religious and theological foundations, clinical counseling, and clinical practice.
The CALL program allows participants to sign up for six-week classes on a variety of subjects, such as the art of Indigenous people, fashion theology, or the writer Virginia Woolf.
Studies have shown that when women have access to education and employment opportunities, they are more likely to invest in the well-being of their families.
As they left the pool, young children of the Mandarin group presented each new believer with a flower, saying in Mandarin, “Jesus loves you!â€
- April 5, 2023| |
So what have these nearly 1,000 pastors done in their groups? That answer is as varied as the group members themselves.
When I read the book of Acts I see the same patterns of the Spirit’s movement that I see today.
It’s likely that many people with disabilities are actively involved in their church but haven’t been invited into the membership process.
It’s about paying attention to how God is moving in the world and testifying to God’s work.
- March 17, 2023| |
Each day, readers will receive a Bible text, a prayer, and some suggested questions for reflection or conversation.
- March 8, 2023| |
The diversity of the church is a window into God’s soul. And we’ve been trying to catch up since Genesis.
Lika Roman’s courage and commitment to sharing her faith with others have brought a silver lining to the crisis in Ukraine.
- March 1, 2023| |
“We need to change the way we treat disabled people in church spaces,†said Amy Kenny, a disabled scholar, Shakespeare lecturer, and author.
A treaty was made between the Haudensaunee and the Dutch in 1613. To commemorate this treaty, the Haudensaunee made a two-row wampum treaty belt.
“We are one of the premier athletics programs in all of Division III, and so why not add more offerings that meet the needs of our students?†said Dr. Wiebe Boer, president of Calvin University.